Encourage hotel guests to save energy and earn more money per guest


Nowadays everyone faces the same issue with uncertain energy costs – we are all in the same boat. You might be worried about how to get your increased electricity expenses covered. But your guests might be the key to lowering your energy bills. If you engage with your guests effectively about energy-saving activities then the costs should go down.  Not only can guests help you lower your bills, but you can earn more money per guest with some tips from our side.

Let’s look at 3 ways how to cover the increased electricity expenses with a digital tool like DigitalGuest: 

1) Communicate examples of energy-saving tips

Show your guests right away on the platform that it is important for you to save electricity. Write down ways how guests can do it without compromising on the guest experience. Some examples for your hotel could be: 

  • When leaving the room ask your guests to switch off lights, turn off air-conditioning
  • Avoid sleep mode for the TV
  • Close windows and maintain a reasonable room temperature
  • Reuse the towels – the same as they do at home. 

2) Send nudging communication

‘Did you switch off the light when leaving the room?’ is an example of a nudging communication that can be sent out automatically. Nudging helps to influence people to behave in a certain way and definitely will be a good reminder for your guests 💡 

3) Make use of Upselling

Give your guests enticing offers throughout the entire guest journey, like room upgrades, packages, room service, or vouchers. You need to reach your guests in the right place at the right time with personalized offers and the sales will start rolling in themselves. Check out more examples to boost sales with upselling.

In the end, the hotel industry does not need to fear higher energy prices when there are digital tools that can easily and automatically ensure that the loss is covered elsewhere. Use the DigitalGuest platform to inspire your guests to be more aware of their actions when they stay at your hotel. 

We have several hotels experienced that DigitalGuest is not a cost, but a way to earn more money per guest. This is more important than ever! And we are here to help! Book a Demo and we will be happy to tell you more! 🚀

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