QR code

Generate and place anywhere as many QR codes as you need, and create
a specific QR code linking directly to a specific box on the platform.

Reach your guests anywhere by using QR codes

Technology is now the driving force behind every industry and the hospitality industry is no exception. A popular technology for hotels to replace print is QR codes. This is why we use QR codes to help hotels reach their guests.

Of course, you can reach your guests with an SMS or email linking to your platform. But if you want to further encourage your guests to access the platform, you can create QR codes that also link to the platform. You can even create a specific QR code linking directly to a specific box, for example, you can create one that links directly to room service and place it on the bedside table. There are quite a few ways QR codes in hotels can be used. Being creative about the use and placement is important as it impacts the guest experience.

So where the QR codes for hotels can be placed?

Place a QR code linking to your DigitalGuest platform in the hotel lobby, on the reception desk, or in an outside area to reach your guests.   

This way your guests can always stay well informed and of course, always have the wifi password at hand. Or place QR codes at your restaurant and use them as your menu – replacing the old and outdated paper menus. You can generate and place as many QR codes as you need. It’s quick and easy! 

With our new QR code builder, you can even customize your QR codes to fit your brand identity. This means you choose color, text, and code design and you even have the option to add your own logo. Now boring traditional QR codes are out!

Scan QR codes by simply using your phone’s camera, where no app or download is needed. QR codes for the hospitality industry are definitely here to stay!

If you want to learn more about our features, then Book a demo and see how DigitalGuest can help you improve your guest experience!  🚀

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